Route 22 Detour Miller/Benchwood
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
For Immediate Release
MEDIA CONTACT: Jessica Olson (937) 425-8352, Communications Manager
Dayton, Ohio — The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is expanding its vaccination transportation program by offering a free shuttle beginning March 16th. The shuttle will be made available weekly from RTA’s downtown transit center to Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County vaccination clinic sites during dates and times identified by public health:
In addition, RTA will continue to offer its other no charge vaccine transportation options which are available on all bus routes, or by making reservations with its Connect service at 937-425-8300, option #6.
The state of Ohio has created a website to facilitate who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and where to book your appointment. For more information, visit