Route 22 Detour Miller/Benchwood
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
A presentation of operating and capital budgets through 2020 It includes the Income Statement, Capital Budget, Federal Funding, Projects Highlights, and an Analysis of Reserves. The Budget Presentation reflects the cost of operating a transit system at a time of uncertainty regarding the economy. Economic forecasts are a concern, and a cautious outlook for future years has been reflected in projections for some of the authority’s major revenue sources.
The Authority’s Audited Financial Report was prepared in accordance with Governmental Auditing Standards. The Report includes the Management's Discussion and Analysis, the Statement of Net Assets, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets, the Statement of Cash Flows and the Notes to Financial Statements.